A Successful Live Twin Birth by In vitro Fertilization in an Untreated Patient with Silent Genital Tuberculosis
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Konya Education and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey
Publication date: 2015-04-15
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Hasan Ali Inal
Konya Education and Research Hospital 42090 Meram Yeni Yol Konya, Turkey
Eur J Gen Med 2015;12(2):160-163
In contrast to the high incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in underdeveloped or developing countries, genital tuberculosis is rarely observed. Genital tuberculosis (GT) is a major pelvic factor causing infertility. The role of GT in female infertility should not be forgotten, especially in women under 40 years of age. GT should be treated before treating infertility. Nevertheless, in spite of treatment, successful pregnancy and take home baby are very rare. Herein, we describe a rare case of successful pregnancy and delivery in an untreated patient with silent genital tuberculosis.