Assesment of C- Reactive Proteins and Markers of Oxidative Stress in Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure
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University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Pathology UCH Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Pathology University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Medicine University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Publication date: 2012-10-10
Corresponding author
Kayode Solomon Adedapo
University of Ibadan, Department of Chemical Pathology UCH Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Eur J Gen Med 2012;9(4):253-257
Chronic kidney failure (CKF) results from progressive loss of kidney function over a period of time. It is characterized by low glomerular filtration rate and the associated metabolic problems consequently haemodialysis is the mainstay of management of these patients prior to kidney transplant. CKF is associated with enhanced oxidative stress but scarce reports exist on the status of oxidative stress in these patients before haemodialysis. This therefore, formed the basis of this research. Fifty newly diagnosed non-dialyzed chronic kidney failure patients and thirty age and sex-marched healthy individuals participated in this study. Plasma sample was used to determine total antioxidant potential (TAP), total plasma peroxides (TPP) and urinary albumin, creatinine by standard spectrophotometric methods while oxidative stress index (OSI) was a ratio of TAP and TPP. CRP was quantified by single radial immunodiffusion method. Mid stream urine samples were assayed the same day for urinary albumin and creatinine. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tail student’s t-test. Correlations between analytes were investigated using Pearson correlation co-efficient. All data were considered significant at p< 0.05. Significant increases were observed in the levels of total antioxidant potential (TAP) urinary albumin, urinary albumin / creatinine ratio in CKF patients compared with the controls. The urinary creatinine among CKF patients was significantly lower. Positive correlations was found between OSI and CRP. Significantly high level of TAP in undialyzed CKF patients ameliorates the oxidative effects of TPP.
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