Assessments of Anxiety Levels and Working Conditions of Health Employees Working in COVİD-19 Pandemic Hospitals
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Ordu University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Ordu, TURKEY
Sakarya University, Sakarya Business School, Department of Health Management, Sakarya, TURKEY
Ordu University, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology USA, Ordu, TURKEY
Ahi Evran University, FEAS, Department of Health Management, Kirsehir, TURKEY
Online publication date: 2020-05-01
Publication date: 2020-05-01
Electron J Gen Med 2020;17(5):em246
The study aims to identify health care workers’ risk of COVID-19 and to determine employees’ views on working conditions and the fight against COVID-19 in general, and to present their concerns. The study utilized a survey form developed by researchers as a data collection tool. The research was conducted on 736 health workers in the Turkish population using the online survey method. Descriptive statistical methods, chi-square analysis, and correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. The data was carried out in a 95% confidence range. According to the study’s findings, 31.7% of the health care workers involved in the study had contact with 19 cases of COVID-19; 27.3% provided services to patients diagnosed with COVID-19. There is a relationship between the professional groups of health care workers who have been contacted by COVID-19 cases and the professional groups of those who provide services. Among the participants, only 35 people had a diagnostic test, 15 of which were positive for COVID-19 results. Although health care workers find working conditions and authorities to be moderate in tackling COVID-19, their anxiety levels are high. Although health care workers provide services to COVID-19 diagnosed patients, they are not protected against the risk of infection by adequate testing. The risk of transmission threatens more groups of nurses. Considering that COVID-19 is a global threat, measures should be taken to protect health care workers and their families and professional support should be given to address their concerns.
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