Benign Isolated Abducens Nerve Palsy
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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University,
Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Ophthalmology
and Pediatrics, Kahramanmaraş,, Turkey
Publication date: 2010-04-12
Corresponding author
Murat Özdemir
Kahramanmaras Sütçü İmam University
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology
46100, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(2):220-222
Cranial nerve VI (abducens nerve) innervates the lateral rectus muscle.
Acquired isolated abducens nerve palsy in infants and children is a
rare condition. A lesion of abducens nerve will result in esotropia
greater at distance, an ipsilateral abduction deficiency, and a double
vision. The abducens nerve palsy in a child may be caused by serious
neurological diseases such as raised intracranial pressure, tumors, or
tuberculous meningitis. However, the abducens nerve palsy can rarely
occur in children after minor febrile episodes or upper respiratory
infections, and that is named as benign sixth nerve palsy which is
generally reversible. In this report, we discussed the diagnostic and
therapeutic approach in a pediatric case had a benign isolated abducens
nerve palsy.