COVID-19 pandemic, medical attention, and self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes at a Peru-based hospital: An analytical cross-sectional study
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Archbishop Loayza National Hospital, Lima, PERU
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, PERU
Universidad Norbert Wiener, Lima, PERU
Online publication date: 2023-04-12
Publication date: 2023-06-30
Electron J Gen Med 2023;20(4):em498
To determine the association between coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), medical attention and self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) at the Archbishop Loayza National Hospital.

This analytical cross-sectional study, involved interviewing 181 T2DM patients and recording their actions regarding three aspects–self-care measures, medical care, and spending on medicines–before and during the pandemic. The relationships between the variables were established using descriptive and analytical statistics.

During the pandemic, self-care decreased to 37%; 26% had access to medical care. Patients in the provinces experienced better self-care (Lima: 35%; Provinces: 61%; p=0.002). Patients with comorbidities also took good care of themselves (with comorbidities: 41%; without comorbidities: 29%; p=0.036).

COVID-19 had a negative influence on T2DM patients regarding self-care and medical care. One out of four patients received medical care. Additionally, being outside Lima and having comorbidities were associated with better self-care during the pandemic.
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