Complications of Circumcision: Our Experiences Over The Last 15 Years
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Private Sema Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
Publication date: 2011-07-11
Corresponding author
Mehmet Kalkan
Sema Hospital. Yalı mah. Sahil yolu
Sok. No: 16. Dragos 34844 Maltepeİstanbul,
Eur J Gen Med 2011;8(3):176-181
Aim: In this study we evaluated cases referred to our clinic with serious
complications of circumcision which needed secondary surgical
Method: Between 1995 and 2010, 38 complicated circumcision cases
were evaluated. The circumcisions were done at various medical clinics,
home or communal circumcision ceremonies held in villages. The
patients in the sample ranged in age from five to 24 (average 14).
Partial or total glandular amputation, urethral injury, glandular necrosis
and preputio-glandular fusion were present in 9, 11, 2, and 16
cases respectively.
Result: The incomplete glans was patched with buccal mucosa in all 9
of the cases with glandular amputations. Five of the cases with urethral
fistula had simple fistula and these were repaired with a simple
closure method. Complete open distal urethra present in the other
6 cases were covered in the duplay style and a hypospadias repair
was performed on them with a tubular incised plate urethroplasty
technique with buccal mucosa as a patch graft. Both cases with glandular
necrosis were put under hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Adhesion
freeing and revision were performed to all the cases with preputioglandular
Conclusion: Circumcision is the most common surgical procedure in
our country. However, since circumcisions are also commonly performed
by inexperienced individuals at home, in hospitals and during
communal circumcisions where high numbers of circumcisions are performed
in a short period time, we frequently come across complications
of circumcision.