Diverticulitis of Cecum Mimicking Plastron Appendicitis: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma
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Department of Surgery Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, 21280, Diyarbakir, Turkey
Department of Radiology, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, 21280, Diyarbakir, Turkey
Publication date: 2013-10-09
Corresponding author
Zulfu Arikanoglu   

Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Department of General Surgery 21280, Yenisehir, Diyarbakir, Turkey
Eur J Gen Med 2013;10(4):246-249
Cecal diverticulitis is an unusual condition that presents clinically similar to appendicitis. Although it is usually asymptomatic, it may cause inflammation, bleeding, or perforation. The diagnosis is not always easy and in the majority of cases, the diagnosis is usually made at laparotomy. There have been various controversies in the literature regarding the optimal management of cecal diverticulitis. The aim of this study is a detailed description of this rare cause of acute abdomen. A 40-year-old female patient presenting with acute onset pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant, nausea and fever had mild leukocytosis. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed findings suggestive of plastron appendicitis. The diagnosis of cecal diverticulitis was established during the surgery. The patient underwent diverticulectomy and appendectomy operations. Cecal diverticulitis is rare clinical entity that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of emergency patients admitted with the complaint of pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant.
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