Inverse Bat Wing
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Dept. of Medicine, Nobles Hospital, Isle of Man
Publication date: 2013-04-09
Corresponding author
Naseer S
Dept. of Medicine, Nobles Hospital, Isle of Man
Eur J Gen Med 2013;10(2):128-130
CEP accounts for up to 2% of all cases of interstitial lung diseases and seem more frequently in females. Symptoms are generally nonspecific. Wheezing, haemoptysis and respiratory failure are rarely seen. Extra-thoracic system involvement if present, excludes a diagnosis of CEP. Diagnosis is based on; respiratory symptoms of more than 2 weeks duration, alveolar (>40% on Broncho-alveolar lavage) and/or blood eosinophilia (0.1 X109/L), pulmonary infiltrates with usually a peripheral predominance on chest imaging and exclusion of other causes of eosinophilia. The chest X-ray as in the index case, described as photographic negative of pulmonary oedema is characteristic of CEP and is seen in up to one fourth of patients.