Electronic Journal of General Medicine is a scientific publication of
Modestum LTD, UK.
Please entirely read the instructions discussed below before submitting your manuscript to the journal.
Electronic Journal of General Medicine publishes original articles on clinical or experimental work, case histories reporting unusual syndromes or diseases, brief reports, technical and educative reviews, recent advancement of knowledge of the medical sciences with original images, questionnaires of defining disease, and letters to the editor. Final recommendation for publication is made by the editorial board and at least two independent reviewers.
The journal is published
six times in a year. The language of the journal is English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be published before or not under consideration elsewhere (in the case of previous oral or poster presentation of the paper at scientific meetings author should inform the journal). The full responsibility of the articles (ethic, scientific, legal, etc.) published in the journal belong to the authors. If the paper is not prepared in conformity with the writing instructions, decision for its evaluation will be made by the members of the editorial board.
The all correspondences (manuscript submission, follow up, reviwers repots, revision files, acceptance form and other forms about publications) about
Electronic Journal of General Medicine should be made online at
https://www.editorialsystem.com/ejgm/. The rules about the manuscripts that would be submitted are given below.
Writing instructions
Submitted manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word program. All manuscripts, figures and pictures must be submitted electronically as word and pdf format
https://www.editorialsystem.com/ejgm Authors should ensure that (apart from the title page) the manuscript should contain no clues about the identity of authors and institution where the study was performed.
All papers should be arranged on the basis of following sequence: 1. Title page, 2. abstract, 3. Text of the article, 4. Declration of Conflict Interest, 5. References, 6. Table(s), 7. Figure(s) and illustration(s), 8. Figure legend(s).
In the
original (research) articles number of words should not exceed 4000 (except abstract, references, tables, figures and legeds) for the text of article and 250 for the abstract. Upper limit for reference number is
80, and this limit is 10 for tables and figures. Abstracts should be written as
Introduction, Objective, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Case reports should be composed of title, abstracts, introduction, case report, discussion and references. The number of typewritten pages should not exceed 8 pages, 15-17 references and 3 picture in case reports. In abstract, numbers of words should not exceed 150 and should be written as a paragraph.
Reviews should be composed of title. In abstract, numbers of words should not exceed 250. Upper limit for reference number is
50-75, and this limit is 6 for tables and figures (or pictures). Abstracts should be written as a paragraph.
Letter to editor,
brief report, image report, advancements in technical and medical topics and questionnaires of original issues should not exceed 2 typewritten pages.
Preparation of manuscript
Title PageTitle of the article should not exceed 100 characters in original articles and 80 characters in case reports. The first and last names for all contributors designated as author should be written clearly. Subsequently, address of the institution where the study was performed should be written clearly. If the study was previously presented in any scientific meeting, name and date (as day-month-year) of the organization should be written. The name and mailing address of the corresponding author, accompanied by telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail should be written at the bottom of title page.
Abstracts should be given in separate sheets. The abstracts should not exceed 250 words in original articles and 150 words in case reports. Key words should be listed at the bottom of the abstract page in original articles and should not be more than 5 words. In selecting key words, authors should strictly refer to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of the Index Medicus. The abbreviations should not be used in the abstract.
Text is composed of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
Introduction: The matter and purpose of the study is clearly defined.
Materials and Methods: This should include the date and design of the study, the setting, type of participants or materials involved, a clear description of all interventions and comparisons, and the statistical analysis.
Results: Collected data and results of statistical analysis should be outlined in this section.
Discussion: The discussion section should include interpretation of study findings and results should be considered in the context of results in other trials reported in the literature. All written content should be prepared in conformity with grammar and punctuation rules. Avoid abbreviations whenever possible; in case of necessary, it should be given in parentheses when they are first used. References, figures, tables and illustrations should be consecutively numbered in the order in which they have been cited in the text. All measurement units in the text should be used in accordance with international standards for units of measurement.
References should be given in a separate sheet with double spaced. It should be carefully selected to acknowledge previous work or to document a specific point. Referencing follows modify the Vancouver-NIH method of reference citation. In this system, references are numbered in consecutive order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Indentify each reference in texts, tables, and legends by Arabic numbers. All references cited should be listed numerically at the end of the paper (in parentheses). Reference number should be placed at the end of sentence before the period. If there are multiple references number use “,” between them and “-” should be inserted between digits when three or more consequtive references are used [e.g. (1,2), (1-3)]
Prepare citations according to the style used in Index Medicus and the International list of periodical title word abbreviations (ISO 833). This journal should be cited in lists of references as Electron J Gen Med. All reference citations in the text should appear in the reference list. When there are less than seven authors, each must be listed in the citation. When seven or more authors, list the first three followed by “et al.” after the name of the third author. Using EndNote's bibliographic management tools, you can search bibliographic database, build and organize your reference collection, and then instantly output your bibliography in modify Voncouver-NIH style and download this style file. Representative examples are as follows:
Journal references:
1. Vasey MW, Vilensky MR, Heath JH, Harbaugh CN, Buffington AG, Fazio RH. It was as big as my head, I swear! Biased spider size estimation in spider phobia. J Anxiety Disord 2012;26(1):20-4.
Book references:
2. Field AP. Discovering statistics using SPSS : (and sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll). 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications; 2009. xxxii, 821 p. p.
Chapter in book references:
3. Griffiths M. Internet addiction: does it really exist? In: Gackenbach J, editor. Psychology and the Internet : intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications. Gackenbach J ed. San Diego, California: Academic Press; 1998. p. 61-75.
Tables should be printed on a separate sheet with double spaced. Each table should contain a table number in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text and title that summarizes the whole table. All abbreviations used in the table should be alphabetically arranged and defined under the table (e.g., PS; pulmonary stenosis, VSD: ventricular septal defect).
Figures and Illustrations
Figures and illustrations should be named and numbered. Figures should be provided with a minimum of 300 dots per inch (dpi) in JPEG format and should be clear. Figures must be submitted online during manuscript submission. Figures embedded into article will not be accepted. If authors accept to charge extra cost, colored publication of the illustrations is possible; otherwise all illustrations will be published as black and white. All abbreviations used in the figures and illustrations should be alphabetically arranged and defined under the footnote. Technique and ratio of magnification for photomicrographs should be indicated. The editorial board has the right to make any revisions on the manuscript unless such changes interfere with the scientific data presented.
Revision after referee report
Authors should point by point reply the items on which revision is demanded via referee report to the reserved box in the online system and as additional files should be uploaded. Additionally they should do necessary changes in article and highlight them and submit online again.
Final checking
1. All pages have been numbered beginning form first page of the text.
2. Assignment of copyright form has been properly filled and signed.
3. The abstract should not exceed 250 words in original articles and 150 words in case reports.
4. The title has been separately written in English.
5. References is in conformity with the instructions.
6. All abbreviations used in tables, figures and illustrations have been defined.
All inquiries regarding copyright material from this publication should be directed to MODESTUM LTD, UK.