Recurrent Hypoglycaemia: an Uncommon Presentation in Sheehan Syndrome
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Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, India
Publication date: 2016-04-06
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Deepak Jain   

Sharma University of Health Sciences Department of Medicine , Rohtak, India.
Eur J Gen Med 2016;13(2):155-157
Sheehan’s syndrome is a rare but potentially serious postpartum complication. Though most common and early symptoms are lactation failure and amenorrhea, some cases might be relatively asymptomatic which are diagnosed in later years when features of hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency predominate. Recurrent hypoglycaemia, due to adrenal insufficiency, though described is a rare complication of Sheehan syndrome. Here we report a case of Sheehan syndrome which presented with recurrent episodes of hypoglycaemia.
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