Reforming and developing socialization of children with limited abilities (mild intellectual disability)
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Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Named After V.Y. Kikot, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Region State University, Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Lipetsk branch), Lipetsk, Russia
Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Online publication date: 2019-04-17
Publication date: 2019-04-17
Electron J Gen Med 2019;16(2):em112
The article contains the results of the study of the impact of additional physical education and sports activities on the correction of psycho-physiological disorders, physical qualities of children with intellectual disability. The objectives of the study were the following: 1) to analyze the indicators of the physiological qualities of schoolchildren aged 7–11 with mild intellectual disability; 2) to design a program of additional physical education and sports activities for students of a special (remedial) school of the VIII type on the basis of the study results; 3) to try out the developed program for students of a special (remedial) school of the VIII type.

The longitudinal study (2015-2019) served as the method. The systematic pedagogical monitoring of the state and dynamics of the physiological states of students achieved by them in the course of a school year. The results obtained in the study, processed according to the mathematical method of descriptive statistics and checked with Student’s t-test, the analysis of variance with Fisher’s criterion (F-criterion).

In our study, we obtained results that show that the improvement of the motor function in children of primary school age is closely related to the level of morpho-functional maturation of the body and external stimulation with physical exercises. The skillful application of specially selected and dosed physical exercises during the enhanced natural morpho-functional development of the body of children contributes to the improvement of the relevant processes, a significant improvement in the functional capabilities of all body systems.

The designed program for students of the special (remedial) school of the VIII type confirmed its effectiveness during the testing. The physiological development program was built on game techniques taking account of the developmental characteristics of children with a mild degree of intellectual disability and positive results were obtained that prove the following: if the physical education program is aimed at developing qualities that correspond to the enhanced natural morpho-functional development of the body of children, it stimulates the accelerated development of the motor function, increasing the adaptive capacity of the child’s body. Additional physical education and sports activities with children who have intellectual disability should be systematic, continuous and they should be organized in such a way that learning the material in the educational and training process could take place in view of the individual state and the sensitive period of development of motor skills.
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