Rifamycin SV Application to Subcutanous Tissue for Prevention of Post-Cesarean Surgical Site Infection
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Fatih University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Jynecology, Ankara, Turkey
Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Jynecology, Van, Turkey
Selçuk University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Jynecology, Konya, Turkey
Publication date: 2010-07-12
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Aydın Köşüş   

Fatih Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hast. ve Doğum AD, Hoşdere cad. No: 145 Y. Ayrancı, Ankara / Türkiye
Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(3):269-276
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of Rifamycin SV application to subcutaneous tissue for prevention of post-caesarean wound infection with a traditional method used for preoperative antisepsis of skin; povidone-iodine and also to calculate cost of the treatment. Method: In this randomized prospective study, 1272 women were divided into two groups. Povidone-iodine was used for preoperative antisepsis and after closure of the skin in the first group. In the second group povidone-iodine was used in the same way but also subcutaneous tissue was irrigated with Rifamycin SV before closure of subcutaneous tissue. Result: Surgical site infection (SSI) was developed in 12 of 600 patients in the first group. All of them were superficial incisional SSI. In 2 cases wound was opened up to fascia. The overall rate of wound infection with pus was 2%. Total cost of 12 patients with SSI was $5386.In the 2nd group, SSI wasn’t develop in any of the 596 patients. Total cost of the rifamycin SV used for washing of subcutaneous tissue was $876.12. Conclusion: Rifamycin SV application to subcutaneous tissue during cesarian effectively prevents SSI. It decreases both cost and morbidity caused by wound infection.
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