Scientific substantiation of medico-social prevention of digestive diseases in schoolchildren on the basis of the prediction table
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Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan’s Medical University «KSPH», Almaty, Kazakhstan
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Online publication date: 2019-12-26
Publication date: 2019-12-26
Electron J Gen Med 2019;16(6):em180
In the present work presents the results of scientific substantiation of medico-social preventive the disease of the digestive system at school students conducted on the basis of the prediction table. The development of a prognostic matrix for predicting the occurrence and development of diseases of the digestive system in schoolchildren was carried out according to a comprehensive socio-hygienic study of schoolchildren and the study of the prevalence of diseases of the digestive system according to medical examinations among schoolchildren. The influence of socio-hygienic and medico-biological factors on the occurrence and development of digestive diseases in schoolchildren was studied. To do this, we have compiled a special map of the study of socio-hygienic and biomedical factors for the formation of diseases of the digestive system, which includes 28 factors and 84 of their gradations. It was calculated all the parameters for the preparation of a prognostic matrix to assess the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system in schoolchildren by socio-hygienic and medico-biological risk factors. Taking into account the great importance of the prognostic coefficient for Pediatrics and gastroenterology, it was developed ready-made threshold values of the prognostic index that characterize the probability of the risk of digestive diseases in schoolchildren.
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