Sociodemographic Disparities and Self-reported Oral Health Problems Associated with Pregnancy: A Case-control Study in Morocco
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Laboratory of Human Ecology, Department of Biology, School of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh. MOROCCO
High Institute of Nursing and Technical Health, Marrakesh, MOROCCO
Department of orthodontics, School of dentistry of Rabat, Mohamed V university, Rabat, MOROCCO *
Online publication date: 2020-05-03
Publication date: 2020-05-03
Electron J Gen Med 2020;17(5):em249
Dental and periodontal diseases are a public health problem over the world, however little is known about individual characteristics or behaviors associated with self-reported oral status during pregnancy. This cross-sectional study examines the relationships between pregnancy and Dental and Periodontal Health (DPH), socio-demographic factors and DPH, and health behavioral factors and DPH.

Study design:
This study adopted a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research design to investigate the current oral health related health behavior, and socio-demographic disparities in pregnant and non-pregnant women in the MARRAKESH region in Morocco.

Participants (n=539, 251 pregnant, and 288 non-pregnant women), recruited from two health centers in the Marrakesh region (urban and rural), completed questionnaires addressing: Education, economic status, dental insurance, self-reported DPH, oral hygiene practices, and dental care utilization.

162 women were urban and 87 were rural in the pregnant group, while 226 women were urban vs 62 in the non-pregnant group. Also, 181 women were educated and 68 were illiterate in the pregnant group while 238 women were educated and 50 were illiterate in the non-pregnant women group. Moreover, pregnant women brush less frequently than non-pregnant women, dental visits were more important amongst non-pregnant women than pregnant women, and only 37 pregnant women visited a dentist while 82 pregnant women visited a dental quack.

This study highlights the effect of pregnancy and sociodemographic disparities on self-reported DPH, and provides useful findings for preventive and therapeutic interventions.
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