The Correlation between Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) and Second to Fourth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) with an Increase in Metabolic Syndrome Scores in Obese Adolescent Girls
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Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA
Center of Nutrition Research, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA
Online publication date: 2020-03-21
Publication date: 2020-03-21
Electron J Gen Med 2020;17(3):em211
The purpose of this study was to look at the correlation between waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) with an increase in metabolic syndrome scores in obese female adolescents.

This research was founded by The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education 2019. A cross-sectional study, which used simple random sampling technique when selecting subjects, involving 80 female university students aged 18-21 years old at Universitas Diponegoro with waist circumference >80cm. The data studied were components of the metabolic syndrome, weight, height, and index-ring finger length. Anthropometric profiles were obtained using direct measurement. Fasting blood glucose, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol were measured using enzymatic colorimetric techniques. Metabolic syndrome data was converted to metabolic syndrome score (cMetS). Data analysis using Rank Spearman and Pearson correlation test.

High WHtR of 95%, high 2D:4D of the right hand of 21.3% and left hand of 33.8%. Most subjects had pre-metabolic syndrome (80%) while the rest had metabolic syndrome. Bivariate test results showed that WHtR was positively correlated with cMetS, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The right and left hand digit ratios did not correlate with cMetS nor with the components of the metabolic syndrome.

This study contributes to anthropometric references to detect metabolic syndrome.
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