The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Turkish Society
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Ordu University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Ordu, TURKEY
Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Health Management, Isparta, TURKEY
Selçuk University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Konya, TURKEY
Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Kırıkkale, TURKEY
Online publication date: 2020-04-13
Publication date: 2020-04-13
Electron J Gen Med 2020;17(6):em237
Pandemics leave significant marks on the memories of societies with their permanent impacts. Going beyond a cause of disease or death, they can have consequences in many aspects, psychological, social and economic ones being in the first place. The Covid-19 outbreak, which first emerged in China and has spread to the whole world as of the first months of 2020, has the potential to constitute a breaking the course of history, as well. Turkey is located on the transit point between Asia and Europe with its geographical position, and thus, received its share from the outbreak of Covid-19, which spreads through social contact. The first official case was recorded on 11 March 2020, and then the virus spread rapidly. This study aims to assess the attitude of the public towards Covid-19 at times when the impact of the disease reached maximum. To this end, data were collected from 1586 people with different socio-demographic features through Covid-19 Pandemic Community Scale. The impact of the pandemic on the society was measured in three dimensions as Sensitivity to Pandemic, Protection against Pandemic and Social Trust. The research results showed that the people had high levels of sensitivity to the pandemic, exerted the maximum effort for protection and social trust was above the average although it fell behind the other dimensions. As a consequence, it can be concluded that Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the Turkish people.
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