The interrelation of post-trauma stress disorders with reactive and personal anxiety
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Moscow State University of Education, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Humanities of Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia
Publication date: 2018-11-18
Electron J Gen Med 2018;15(6):em85
The relationship of situational (reactive) and personal anxiety in the sample of respondents with post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD) has been considered in the article. The study found that a significant level of situational anxiety and an average level of personal anxiety is observed in respondents with post-trauma stress disorder.

The survey and testing of respondents was conducted on the basis of their voluntary and anonymous participation among the staff of public authorities and law enforcement bodies. Clinical, psychopathological and statistical research methods were used in this work. While conducting a psychopathological survey, the Mississippi scale (MS), military and civilian variants, the severity questionnaire for psychopathological symptoms (AFPS), and the scale for assessing the level of reactive and personal anxiety (Charles D. Spilberger, Yu. L. Khanin) were used to determine the qualitative and quantitative parameters. The levels of reactive and personal anxiety were determined on a scale: up to 30 points - low anxiety; from 31 to 45 points - moderate anxiety; 46 points or more - high anxiety. The statistical processing of research results included the calculation of the arithmetic mean value for the quantitative (M) and qualitative (P) indices and their errors (m and p). When comparing the data obtained in groups and subgroups, the Student’s t-test was used, while the correlation analysis of interrelationships - the Spearman correlation coefficient was used. The sample comprised respondents with signs that meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD (ICD-10 \ DSM-R).

The manifestation of the influence of the experienced psychological trauma on the level of anxiety is: an increased heart rate; Blanchet syndrome; a nervous condition; tension of all groups of muscles; feeling a sense of guilt; a feeling of fever followed by shivers; long confusion; insomnia; migraine; uncontrollable anger. The symptoms of anxiety persist and accumulate, at the time of a stressful situation, and after its resolution, contributing to a decrease in performance, fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, the results of the study indicate that anxiety and its level plays an important role, both in clinical findings and in the pathogenesis of PTSD. At the same time, differences were found among men and women. Men with PTSD are characterized by an increase in the level of situational anxiety as the severity of the disorder increases. Women are characterized by a moderate level of situational anxiety, regardless of the severity of the disorder. For both male and female subjects, high indices of personal anxiety are more significant than situational in the development of PTSD of different severity levels.

Anxiety and its level, plays an important role both in clinical findings and in the pathogenesis of PTSD. At the same time, differences were found among men and women. Men with PTSD are characterized by an increase in the level of situational anxiety as the severity of the disorder increases. Women are characterized by a moderate level of situational anxiety, regardless of the severity of the disorder. High indices of personal anxiety are more significant for both male and female subjects than situational one in the development of PTSD of different severity levels. The level of personal anxiety in men increased as the severity of PTSD increased. In women, the high level of anxiety increased with increasing severity of the disorder and stabilized with severe PTSD. Most women and men with PTSD are characterized by a high level of personal anxiety. Moreover, the prevalence of women with a high level of personal anxiety in comparison with men is essential with a mild severity of the disorder. With a moderate degree of the disorder, the differences in the proportion of men and women with a high level of personal anxiety are practically insignificant, and in case of a severe degree of the disorder, their proportion levels off, reaching 100%, both among men and women.
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